German Dictionary

Translation of Glasmacher

der Glasmacher the glassmaker    

Translation by Vocabulix


Please let me summarize: The main problem of the project was the inability of the program to print the screen. The reason is that massive download may stall the connection at even 3Giga, which will result in congestion.
Completely different education and lifestyle make us incapable of putting ourselves into their situation. Sometimes we regard certain acts or certain laws as barbaric while we ignore the surroundings.
We left and went back to the boat which took us back to the big vessel. We started our journey back to the main land. It was already late and from the main land, it was still a four hour drive back.
Most common translations: Geschützfeuer    Genre    Geheul    Gaukler    Fötus    Fronleichnam    Fortpflanzung    Fleischfresser    Feuerkäfer    Feigheit