German Dictionary

Translation of höchst

höchst highest    ; supreme    

Translation by Vocabulix


höchst interessant; verblüffend intriguing
äusserst; höchst; extrem extremely
meist,größt,höchst most
höchst, sehr greatly
höchst extremely*
höchst subreme

Thanks a lot. Today and tomorrow are holidays in Switzerland, but I'll do it Tuesday first thing in the morning...please have a look at it and confirm. Where do you want me to place a reference?
How could I get better in Spanish if I had to eat by myself. Impossible. The next days we always ate together and sat around the table for hours discussing politics and the lives we were living.
We spent the entire day walking around the city, looking for gifts for our friends and for family back at home. It was a nice and relaxing last day. In the late afternoon, we decided to buy shoes.
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