German Dictionary

Translation of Honorar

das Honorar the fee    

Translation by Vocabulix


Salär; Verdienst; Honorar salary; earnings; fee
Arzthonorar; ärztliches Honorar doctor's fee
Gebühr; Honorar fee; professional fee; tax
die Gebühr, das Honorar fee
das Honorar the fee, royalty

I did not have a chance to speak to Nancy yet. I wanted to know how to proceed with the order of the CPU for the communication lab. The CPU will enable Voca Dixtionary to be ultra fast and reliable.
I tried to explain that I was preferring to eat with everybody together I that I preferred not to eat meat if they did not eat it either, for financial reasons. I thought that they understood my feelings.
I spoke to my sister's friend and she told me I could stay at her place whenever I wanted. I then played Galaga on one of the computer machines and advanced to a very high level of the game.
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