German Dictionary
German | English |
Sample sentences: Die Kaiserin rief ihren Berater, um ihr bei der Entscheidung zu helfen. |
The empress called her adviser to help her decide. |
Kaiser; Kaiserin | emperor; empress |
Kaiserin | empress |

Before I continue, I want to reiterate that Hugo's software is intended for learning processes which must result in high quality product in short learning time. It also reaches minimum overhead time.
Now I needed to decide where to go next and I decided to use the information that the girl gave me. I went back into town to the central station and booked a night bus to a place called Palenque.
At the bottom a Jeep waited for us and it was only a fifteen minute drive uphill to get back to the village. We explored the village and went to have a coffee at some nice place around the center.
Now I needed to decide where to go next and I decided to use the information that the girl gave me. I went back into town to the central station and booked a night bus to a place called Palenque.
At the bottom a Jeep waited for us and it was only a fifteen minute drive uphill to get back to the village. We explored the village and went to have a coffee at some nice place around the center.