German Dictionary

Translation of lästig

lästig tiresome    ; annoying    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Das permanente Soll auf unserem Bankkonto ist ziemlich lästig.

The permanent debit in our bank account is quite inconvenient.
Vinny fand es lästig, Äpfel zu essen und tauschte sie gegen Schokoriegel. Vinny felt eating apples was a nuisance and traded them for candy bars.
ärgerlich, verärgert; ärgerlich, lästig angry; annoying
jemanden belästigen; jemandem lästig sein to inconvenience
ärgerlich; lästig; nervig annoying

Writing large essays has never been my favorite task although it is one of the most important when learning a language. Spanish, English and German are all entirely supported by Vocabulix.
And others are not, some of us are speaking (too) freely about it, without paying attention to what they really say. Some of us know how to restrain because we know that these feelings are malicious.
I was a little disappointed that I would not arrived at my final destination the same day, but once I considered all options, it was probably the best choice at this time. I was excited to stay.
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