German Dictionary

Translation of musst

musst gotta    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Wenn Du Dich dazu bereiterklärst, Patin meines Babys zu werden, dann musst Du mir versprechen, im Notfall zur Stelle zu sein.

If you agree to become my baby's godmother you have to promise me that you will be around in an emergency.
Für diese Gleichung musst Du Addition als korrekte Methode anwenden. For this equation you need to apply addition as the correct method.
Du musst die Kinder immer beaufsichtigen, wenn diese ein Feuerzeug in ihren Händen haben. You always have to supervise children who have a lighter in their hand.

I would like to know if Jack is interested to join us as well. Shared learning is called Tandem. I'm coming in 2 days to Spain. I will pay for the study costs of my daughter, and I assume all other costs as well.
I have many hobbies. I like to go to the movies (thriller), I am enjoying to hear the radio, and I like to meet friends for coffee, I like to read and I like to watch DVDs at my house.
My name is Michael. I am from Budapest in Hungaria. I speak Hungarian, of course and English. Maybe I could help you with something. I would also like to learn Spanish. Would you mind teaching me?
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