German Dictionary

Translation of lösen

lösen to loose    ; to loosen    ; to detach    ; to remove    ; to release    ; to undo    ; to untie    ; to dissolve    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Der kampflustige Kommentar des Kapitäns löste einen Torpedoangriff aus.

The captain's belligerent comment triggered a torpedo attack.
Ich löste meinen alten Ehering beim Juwelier ein. I redeemed my old wedding ring from the jeweler.
Als er den Fall gelöst hatte, machte sich Müdigkeit in dem Inspektor breit. When he had solved the case, fatigue attacked the inspector.
lösen; Lösung; lösen sort out problem; Solution; solve a problem
das Kreuzworträtsel lösen do the crossword
etw. lösen/klären1 to sort sth. out
lösen to solve; to find the solution
entlassen; loslassen; lösen release
etw lösen/klären2 to solve sth.
lösen (Problem lösen) solve
(aufgabe,problem)lösen to solve
lösen (Problem) to solve; solve

Writing large essays has never been my favorite task although it is one of the most important when learning a language. Spanish, English and German are all entirely supported by Vocabulix.
Anyway, I used these two weeks of break in order to fly to a Spanish speaking country and learn a new language. My friends told me that it was a waste of time but I really insisted. It is educational.
It was a good way of starting the trip. A ferry ride across the beautiful water, a beer in one hand and the unknown adventure lying ahead. I had to look for a place to sleep and checked a few hostels.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of lösen
löse  löst  löst  lösen  löst  lösen  löste  löstest  löste  lösten  löstet  lösten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of detach   [ detached, detached ]
Conjugation of dissolve   [ dissolved, dissolved ]
Conjugation of loose   [ loosed, loosed ]
Conjugation of loosen   [ loosened, loosened ]
Conjugation of release   [ released, released ]
Conjugation of remove   [ removed, removed ]
Conjugation of undo   [ undid, undone ]
Conjugation of untie   [ untied, untied ]