German Dictionary

Translation of detach in German

to detach     lösen
to detach     loslösen

Translation by Vocabulix


to detach ablösen, absondern; abtrennen

The proposed date is fine. I suggest to work in small groups first, optimize the results and then do a presentation to a larger crowd. Everything can be done online these days so that we just need a PC.
I already spoke to Lin, but nonetheless I would like to send you a list of lessons that you could start with. Please login to your Vocabulix account and save the lessons before starting with them.
By the way, after my horrible experience I had changed the hostel. The place was not really better but much more quiet and near the Ocean. I woke up with the sound of a siren. It was the police.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of detach   [ detached, detached ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of lösen
löse  löst  löst  lösen  löst  lösen  löste  löstest  löste  lösten  löstet  lösten