German Dictionary

Translation of loose in German

to loose     lösen
loose     locker; lose

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The crooked head sat a little loose atop the fat snowman.

Der unförmige Kopf saß etwas locker auf dem dicken Schneemann.
The gasket got loose, and part of the liquid leaked out. Der Dichtungsring lockerte sich, und ein Teil der Flüssigkeit entwich.
The wager was too large to loose, but Angus was certain. Der Wetteinsatz war zu hoch, um zu verlieren, aber Angus war sich sicher.
loose-fitting weit geschnitten
to turn loose verloren gehen
loose (los) lose, locker
loose lost verlieren
loose schlaff

My Spanish isn't so good.I learn the vocabulary but I need the practise by writing the sentences. It is not easy. I wish you a very nice weekend, I wish you a nice evening and victory today in the football-game Germany-Spain.
The bus driver drove so quickly and with extremely dangerous maneuvers. We were so afraid and the other passengers started to scream at the driver which did not help the situation at all.
We spent a few hours around Plaza de Armas, the main square of the town, eating, shopping and sightseeing. A hassling boy tried to sell us some Peruvian chocolate for one Peso.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of loose   [ loosed, loosed ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of lösen
löse  löst  löst  lösen  löst  lösen  löste  löstest  löste  lösten  löstet  lösten