German Dictionary

Translation of reply in German

to reply     antworten; erwidern
to reply     beantworten
the reply     die Beantwortung

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Amber never replies to any emails.

Amber antwortet nie auf Emails.
I had said 'Hi!' twice without a reply, and my frustration was growing. Ich hatte zwei mal 'Hallo!' gesagte, ohne Antwort, und meine Frustration stieg.
His reply concerning the grant had been disturbingly ambiguous. Seine Antwort bezüglich des Zuschusses war beunruhigend doppeldeutig gewesen.
to respond; to answer; to reply antworten
to reply immediately sofort antworten
reply/response coupon Antwortschein
reply; answer Antwort; Reaktion
reply to antwort,erwiderung auf
to reply antworten, erwidern
to reply erwidern, antworten
in reply to in Beantwortung
reply coupon antwortschein

Do you need them as hard or soft copy? Donna, I forgot I can't on Wednesday... My family is coming for the weekend. Maybe we can do it one week later? I am kindly asking you to tell also Harry.
it was great talking to you. I am so happy that you are married. Here are our pictures. Please send me the pictures of you, your husband, the wedding and of course of your baby dog Vasco.
If I could get that far in Galaga, and handle enemy starships, I was sure that I could handle hurricane Ivan. I decided to continue to Mexico after having two dry airport muffins for breakfast.
Newly added translation: saw    shipping    soap    status    survive    third    trial    vanilla    which    CD   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of reply   [ replied, replied ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of antworten
antworte  antwortest  antwortet  antworten  antwortet  antworten  antwortete  antwortetest  antwortete  antworteten  antwortetet  antworteten     
Conjugation of beantworten
beantworte  beantwortest  beantwortet  beantworten  beantwortet  beantworten  beantwortete  beantwortetest  beantwortete  beantworteten  beantwortetet  beantworteten     
Conjugation of erwidern
erwidere  erwiderst  erwidert  erwidern  erwidert  erwidern  erwiderte  erwidertest  erwiderte  erwiderten  erwidertet  erwiderten