German Dictionary

Translation of need in German

to need     You just need luck sometimes. brauchen Manchmal brauchst Du einfach Glück.
to need     benötigen; brauchen
the need     der Bedarf
the need     das Bedürfnis

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Now he was six and needed a bigger bag for school.

Jetzt war er sechs und brauchte eine größere Tasche für die Schule.
Sorry, Miss Dot, but we need women of a different caliber. Es tut mir leid, Frau Dot, aber wir brauchen Frauen von anderem Kaliber.
May read her palm and told her she needed closure. May las ihre Hand und erklärte ihr, sie müsste das Kapitel abschließen.
to need an operation eine Operation brauchen
to need/ to require Benötigen
need (v); necesitar (1ra) brauchen
to need help Hilfe benötigen
to need benötigen, brauchen
need nötig haben, brauchen
if need be nötigenfalls
need to do brauchen zu tun
need (2nd) benötigen

When we left the stadium after the game there were plenty of people on the streets. The neighbors opened their windows to sell grilled meat and the entire street smelled of meat and smoke.
I was very busy during the last month. I had to write some letters to find a new job. Thanks for your message yesterday evening! Where do you life in the USA? I have never been there, not yet, buy I will one day.
On the other side of the mountain range were the lake region and Bariloche. Argentina had a completely different atmosphere. People were not as calm as in Chile, and it reminded me of Italy.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of need   [ needed, needed ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of benötigen
benötige  benötigst  benötigt  benötigen  benötigt  benötigen  benötigte  benötigtest  benötigte  benötigten  benötigtet  benötigten     
Conjugation of brauchen
brauche  brauchst  braucht  brauchen  braucht  brauchen  brauchte  brauchtest  brauchte  brauchten  brauchtet  brauchten