German Dictionary

Translation of Bedürfnis

das Bedürfnis the necessity    ; the need    ; the requirement    

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Sample sentences:
Seine Doktorarbeit drehte sich um das psychische Bedürfnis nach Beständigkeit.

His thesis discussed the psychological need for permanence.

Grammar exercises give the teachers and the students different ideas. We discussed the need for exercises in my previous email, but unfortunately I did not receive any further feedback since then.
There are changes in regulations for people who wish to travel to Eastern Europe. This is advantageous. In the U.S., as in every country in the world, there are positive and negative changes.
My name is Michael. I am from Budapest in Hungaria. I speak Hungarian, of course and English. Maybe I could help you with something. I would also like to learn Spanish. Would you mind teaching me?
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of need   [ needed, needed ]