German Dictionary

Translation of nachholen

nachholen to catch up; to make up for

Translation by Vocabulix


nachholen; später holen fetch later
nachholen to make up for
nachholen to catch up

Can we meet on the March 4 or 5 (Tuesday or Wednesday) in Cologne? I am delighted to see you again soon. We are in the beginning of March and we look forward to seeing you next week. Here's a photo.
True, I forgot the 'I' when I have copied and pasted the entire text field. I assume it is the regular form, isn't it? However, the formal form in Spain is a little different to what we are using in Mexico.
Yes, come to Switzerland. May I ask if you have friends here? Pity that Geneva is so far away from Zurich, about 3 hours by train. If you have the time you need to visit me. We have a great lake.
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