German Dictionary

Translation of röntgen

röntgen to X-ray    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Der Tierarzt röntge das Bein der Katze.

The veterinarian x-rayed the cat's leg.
durchleuchten, röntgen to x-ray
röntgen; durchleuchten x-ray
röntgen X-ray

In this email I would like to tell you what occured to me in Italy during the summer vacation last year. So, I went to Italy for four days. First I stayed in Firenze, than I decided to go to Rome.
How could I get better in Spanish if I had to eat by myself. Impossible. The next days we always ate together and sat around the table for hours discussing politics and the lives we were living.
We had to be careful of not falling into the water. We rowed for about an hour and we got tired pretty easily. Especially the other man and woman looked devastated, at the limit of their physical capabilities.
Do you know the meaning of? reißen    quellen    potentiell    pauschal    nüchtern    nett    möglicherweise    mindestens    mahlen    lernen   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of röntgen
röntge  röntgst  röntgt  röntgen  röntgt  röntgen  röntgte  röntgtest  röntgte  röntgten  röntgtet  röntgten