German Dictionary

Translation of schmusen

schmusen to cuddle    

Translation by Vocabulix


knutschen, schmusen snog

I arrived there but could not find a hotel immediately, so that I took my luggage with me. I know that this is very provocative to thiefs. One should not walk on the street with a big backpack.
I slept in the jungle lodge. Dinner was really nice as there was only one restaurant were everybody gathered. My newly acquired friends invited me to join them for dinner and we had a great time.
We went to eat dinner with the Dutch couple in a Sea food restaurant highly recommended in our Lonely Planet Travel Guide Book. It was OK, but we had a great time with our friends.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of schmusen
schmuse  schmust  schmust  schmusen  schmust  schmusen  schmuste  schmustest  schmuste  schmusten  schmustet  schmusten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of cuddle   [ cuddled, cuddled ]