German Dictionary

Translation of verbrauchen

verbrauchen  to consume     

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Ich verbrauchte fast meinen ganzen Radiergummi, um den falschen Umriss zu eliminieren.

I nearly used my entire eraser to eliminate the incorrect outline.
Lass uns den Ventilator und nicht die Klimaanlage benutzen um den Raum zu kühlen damit wir nicht zuviel Strom verbrauchen. Let us use the fan and not the air conditioner to cool the room so as not to use too much electricity.
aufbrauchen; verbrauchen to use up; consume
verbrauchen, ausmergeln to worn out
verbrauchen, verzehren to consume

Do you need them as hard or soft copy? Donna, I forgot I can't on Wednesday... My family is coming for the weekend. Maybe we can do it one week later? I am kindly asking you to tell also Harry.
On the other hand, the man is completely egotistical. All he wants is to have a sexual relationship which is not disturbed by the pregnancy. He tell her different romantic sentences to win her heart.
We changed to another room which was slightly better and stayed there one night. The next day we moved to another room again before finally leaving for a better hotel. It was important to stay in a good place.
Check out these translations unverbindlich    unheimlich    unbesiegbar    umbenennen    tiefgreifend    suizidgefährdet    stehen bleiben    sowohlals auch    sich vergrößern    segmentieren   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of verbrauchen
verbrauche  verbrauchst  verbraucht  verbrauchen  verbraucht  verbrauchen  verbrauchte  verbrauchtest  verbrauchte  verbrauchten  verbrauchtet  verbrauchten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of consume   [ consumed, consumed ]