German Dictionary

Translation of versichern

versichern to ensure    ; to assert    ; to reassure    ; to insure    

Translation by Vocabulix


beteuern; (nochmals) versichern; beruhigen reassure
versichern; sicherstellen; garantieren to ensure
beruhigen, versichern to reassure
beruhigen; versichern to reassure
versichern (lassen) insure

Today the spring really showed itself. It was over eighteen degrees and people started wearing nice and with T-shirts. Snow has melted and the temperature is steady. I can't wait for the summer.
However, the option of creating new lessons with multiple answers is now widely used by our users (teachers and students). However, we believe rather in context and single answers ant not multiple options.
He was hysterical, he got married two weeks earlier and already has lost his first wedding ring. How embarrassing is that? In addition, everybody on the ship heard it so that it was even more embarrassing.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of versichern
versichere  versicherst  versichert  versichern  versichert  versichern  versicherte  versichertest  versicherte  versicherten  versichertet  versicherten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of assert   [ asserted, asserted ]
Conjugation of ensure   [ ensured, ensured ]