German Dictionary

Translation of wischen

wischen to wipe    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Großvater nickte und wischte sich den Mund mit einer Serviette ab.

Grandfather nodded and cleaned his mouth with a napkin.
Als Teil Deines Integrationsprozesses wirst Du anfangen, einmal am Tag Baby's Windel zu wechseln und ihren Popo zu wischen. As part of your integration process you will start changing baby's nappy and wiping her bum once a day.
Die Gräfin wischte den Staub von dem kostbaren Stein. The countess brushed the dust off the precious stone.

They will need to fix their issues. Thank you for the meeting. I will be more than happy to do a small trial in your and in Mike's lab. Let me know when it fits you best. Below my contact details.
I almost forgot to tell you, that the water was brown, despite of its name... Anyway, as I was already close to my next destination I went and consulted with a tourguide of Austrian travelers.
We spent the entire day walking around the city, looking for gifts for our friends and for family back at home. It was a nice and relaxing last day. In the late afternoon, we decided to buy shoes.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of wischen
wische  wischst  wischt  wischen  wischt  wischen  wischte  wischtest  wischte  wischten  wischtet  wischten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of wipe   [ wiped, wiped ]