German Dictionary

Translation of wipe in German

to wipe     abstreifen; wischen

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
An old hag lifted her apron to wipe off her sweat.

Ein altes Weib hob seine Schürze, um sich den Schweiß abzuwischen.
As part of your integration process you will start changing baby's nappy and wiping her bum once a day. Als Teil Deines Integrationsprozesses wirst Du anfangen, einmal am Tag Baby's Windel zu wechseln und ihren Popo zu wischen.
wipe off abwischen,wegwischen
to wipe out auslöschen
to wipe out zunichte machen
wipe out kill a population
to wipe abwischen; wischen
To Wipe Out Vernichten
wipe; fregar wischen
to wipe (ab)wischen

Clara agreed about a month ago to give me her acquaintances' contact details from NYU and Columbia. I have just spoken to her now and she told me that you could help me and send me those files.
The error has been corrected. If you want to recommend our site we will be very thankful if you could link from your website to ours, or from your schools' website to ours. This would help us a lot.
San Telmo and Bocca were two additional neighborhoods that we have visited and these were actually quite nice. We were warned by the staff of our hotel to be alert in these neighborhoods as there were many thieves.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of wipe   [ wiped, wiped ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of wischen
wische  wischst  wischt  wischen  wischt  wischen  wischte  wischtest  wischte  wischten  wischtet  wischten