German Dictionary

Translation of wollten

wollten would    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Einige Reisende wünschten, die Fahrt möge ewig währen; andere wollten schnell ankommen.

Some voyagers wished for an everlasting trip, others wanted to arrive quickly.
Als die Sau fortging, grunzten die Ferkel, weil sie mehr Milch wollten. When the sow left, the piglets oinked wanting more milk.
sie wollten they wanted
wir wollten we wanted

We would love to have you here as our guests! My niece Katja had also many diffculties with the new surroundings. She is really upset with this new change. How was your trip to Italy? I'll keep writing to you!
The woman has to decide if she wants to carry the baby or to have an abortion. She is a victim of her own situation, suffering restlessly and thinking continuously about her unwanted pregnancy.
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