German Dictionary

Translation of zur

zur to the    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Der Hubschrauber flog nahe zur Bergkette um dem starken Wind zu entgehen.

The helicopter was flying close to the mountain range to avoid the heavy wind.
Du kannst mich jederzeit nach Ratschlägen zur Hutherstellung fragen. You can ask me for advice on hat making anytime.
Die Tram brachte uns direkt zur Kirche. The tram took us right to the church.
zur Folge haben; mit sich bringen; nach sich ziehen entail
erwähnen; zur Sprache bringen to bring up; to mention
aufnehmen; besprechen; zur Sprache bringen to take up
zu gegebener Zeit; zur rechten Zeit in due course
zur Universität gehen to go to university
mit sich bringen; zur Folge haben to involve
verursachen; zur Folge haben to give rise to
zur Zeit; momentan; im Moment at the moment
zur Schule gehen go to school; be in school

After this strange stop we moved on to the city center where he left me. I was on my own now and started to explore the little streets of the old center. It was packed with international visitors.
Your name and Larry's name should be underlined and in blue color suggesting a link to your profile (or with a tiny arrow button suggestion a link). All the profiles should have the same theme.
The door of the car was still open, so that he could not drive away. Luckily, two foreigners walked by and we were asking them to help us out. They payed for us and warned us that these situations were common.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of the   [ thed, thed ]