German Dictionary

Translation of adhere in German

to adhere     anhängen; haften

Translation by Vocabulix


strictly adhere to genau einhalten
adhere kleben; treu bleiben

I really worry about the health of obese people, especially the ones that I know in person (friends, relatives), because it is well known that overweight have a higher probability of heart attack.
First of all they gave me some chicken, which the mother has cooked especially for me. Well, the bizarre thing was that they did not join me while I was eating because I had a different meal.
Let me understand further: If you go through the 'vocabulary builder' in the left menu and choose new lesson it works faster than when you get there through the list of all lessons? Did I get this right?
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of adhere   [ adhered, adhered ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of anhängen
hänge an  hängst an  hängt an  hängen an  hängt an  hängen an  hing an  hingest an  hing an  hingen an  hinget an  hingen an