German Dictionary

Translation of answer in German

to answer      antworten 
to answer     beantworten
the answer      die Antwort 
the answer     die Beantwortung; die Stellungnahme

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Finally, he knew the answer to the puzzle.

Endlich wusste er die Antwort auf das Rätsel.
The lawyer shouted 'objection' so that the defendant would not have to answer the question. Der Rechtsanwalt rief 'Einspruch' damit der Angeklagte die Frage nicht beantworten musste.
The fourth question is really difficult, and I am not sure about the answer. Die vierte Frage ist wirklich schwer, und ich bin mir meiner Antwort nicht sicher.
answer; respond, react; corresponder, replicar erwidern
answer (v); contestar (2da); responder beantworten
answer (v); contestar (1ra); responder antworten
answer/ answered(1) antworten/ beantwortet
answer the telephone abheben (das Telefon)
to respond; to answer; to reply antworten
to answer; answer antworten; beantworten
answer the telephone abheben (Telefon)
answer the phone Anruf entgegennehmen

At the end of October my family will be taking a short vacation to Biron Bay north of Sidney. My wife wants to visit the coast. There are many good restaurants near Brion Bay with fresh seafood.
Yes I do live in the United States of America. Thanks for contacting me! I am okay with my Spanish, but when creating sentences I'm terrible at using the right form of the la, el, un y una.
We left town and drove around the lake. Around 30 minutes after leaving we had a flat tire, which I changed immediately. That was very annoying as the rental company asked us to fix the flat tire.
People also searched for: available    beside    brilliant    catering    cloudy    contribute    data    display    eleventh    exploration   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of answer   [ answered, answered ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of antworten
antworte  antwortest  antwortet  antworten  antwortet  antworten  antwortete  antwortetest  antwortete  antworteten  antwortetet  antworteten     
Conjugation of beantworten
beantworte  beantwortest  beantwortet  beantworten  beantwortet  beantworten  beantwortete  beantwortetest  beantwortete  beantworteten  beantwortetet  beantworteten