German Dictionary

Translation of both in German

both     beide

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The negotiator finally got both parties to agree.

Der Vermittler brachte die beiden Parteien schließlich dazu, sich zu einigen.
Both the Basque country and Northern Ireland struggle with terrorism. Sowohl das Baskenland als auch Nordirland haben mit dem Terrorismus zu kämpfen.
Wishfully, Evelyn dreamed of a Christmas trip to Bath with both her parents. Sehnsüchtig träumte Evelin von einer Weihnachtsreise nach Bath mit ihren beiden Eltern.
both...and...; both and sowohl...als auch...
at both ends an beiden Enden
both and sowohl als auch
both lists beide Listen
both beides; zugleich
both beide, beides
both beide,beides
both beide

They will need to fix their issues. Thank you for the meeting. I will be more than happy to do a small trial in your and in Mike's lab. Let me know when it fits you best. Below my contact details.
The short story 'Hills like white elephants' is a short story about a relationship between a man and a young girl, based on having sexual encounters. The meaning of this story is not immediately recognizable.
The ship stopped in the middle of several limestone islands and passengers went swimming in the middle of the sea. There were dozens of other boats around us as the area was very touristy.
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