German Dictionary

Translation of brave in German

brave     tapfer

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The eulogy for the brave general seemed heartfelt.

Die Lobrede auf den tapferen General schien von Herzen zu kommen.
Brave soldiers would rather die than surrender. Mutige Soldaten würden eher sterben als kapitulieren.
brave - bravely mutig; unerschrocken
courageous; brave mutig
daring; brave wagemutig
be brave tapfer sein
brave Fakt, Tatsache
brave tapfer ,mutig
brave mutig, tapfer
brave tapfer mutig
Brave Tapfer
brave mutig

I entered yet another suite. This one had a living room, a kitchen, two bathrooms and a huge sleeping room. The view was excellent, overlooking one of Saigon's largest and most impressive boulevards.
Yes I do live in the United States of America. Thanks for contacting me! I am okay with my Spanish, but when creating sentences I'm terrible at using the right form of the la, el, un y una.
We shivered, sweat and vomited the entire night. In addition we had the worst room in the worst hotel in town: Hostal Resbalosa.
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