German Dictionary

Translation of eighth in German

the eighth     Achtel
eighth      achte 
eighth     achter

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The trainer told him to increase the dose by an eighth before the race.

Der Trainer sagte, er sollte die Dosis vor dem Wettkampf um ein Achtel erhöhen.
the eighty-eighth der achtundachtzigste
eighth note Achtelnote
the eighth der achte
eighth achter
eighth 8th

HOLA is Spanish and means hi, doesn't it? How is life in Brazil, is it really as dangerous as they say in the TV? Maybe you can tell me a little bit of your country, in Spanish, then I can correct your sentences!
Hi there again, before I forget to send you my email address, it's *****, whit this email address we can speak with Skype. I hope that we can continue our friendship. Please stay in touch me soon. bye
On the other side of the mountain range were the lake region and Bariloche. Argentina had a completely different atmosphere. People were not as calm as in Chile, and it reminded me of Italy.
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