German Dictionary

Translation of brush in German

to brush     bürsten
the brush     der Pinsel; die Bürste

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
From the hog's brown bristles we made great brushes.

Aus den braunen Borsten des Schweins machten wir herrliche Pinsel.
With this brush you can easily remove the muck from your waffle maker. Mit dieser Bürste können Sie leicht den Dreck aus Ihrem Waffeleisen entfernen.
The trajectory of the paint brush was illustrated by the stains on the wall. Die Flugbahn des Farbpinsels wurde durch die Kleckse an der Wand illustriert.
to brush bürsten; putzen (Zähne)
brush Bäseli; kleiner Besen
to brush teeth Zähne putzen
brush Bürste; Pinsel; Rute
brush up auffrischen, polieren
brush bürsten, putzen
brush bürsten; putzen
brush (die) Bürste
to brush up auffrischen

We decided according to whom we liked most and booked a trip for the next day. We looked for a place for lunch and found a restuarant called Pho 24, where they would serve soups for 24 hours.
I can understand a little Spanish with the base of Italian and heaps of words sound familiar. I will try to have conversations as much as i can. Just learning the vocabulary and the grammar isn't enough!
All taxi drivers recommended that we stay in the hotel, watch TV, refrain from physical effort and drink Mate tea in order to get used to the altitude. We made the mistake and didn't listen to them
People also searched for: certainly    collage    cornflour    deductible    door    employer    face    flexible    general    grudge   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of brush   [ brushed, brushed ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of bürsten
bürste  bürstest  bürstet  bürsten  bürstet  bürsten  bürstete  bürstetest  bürstete  bürsteten  bürstetet  bürsteten