German Dictionary

Translation of care in German

to care     sorgen
the care      die Fürsorge 
the care     die Fürsorge; die Obhut; die Pflege; die Sorge; die Sorgfalt
the care     die Betreuung

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Sample sentences:
The objective of prenatal care is to discover potential problems as early as possible.

Zielsetzung der pränatalen Mutterschaftsvorsorge ist es, potentielle Probleme so früh als möglich zu entdecken.
The Federal authority will take care of the criminal. Die Bundesbehörde wird sich um den Kriminellen kümmern.
The brochure talked about how to take better care of potted plants. In der Broschüre ging es darum, wie man Topfpflanzen besser pflegen konnte.
care, warning; caution, aviso; atencion, precaucion die Vorsicht
to take care sich kümmern; sich sorgen um; vorsichtig sein
attentiveness; care; attention to detail die Sorgfalt
to care for sich kümmern um; jdm.pflegen
to take care of*; to look after* versorgen
to care about sich interessieren für
day-care place (Kinder)Tagesstätte
to care for; look after sorgen für
to take care over sich Mühe geben

I'm very interested in learning languages. I'm learning English,German and french as well as Japanese. My native language is Spanish. Yes is very nice living here. What do you think about the Mexican people?
For me it's a really I nice way to learn English vocabulary, verbs and grammar. I created a new vocabulary lesson about leisure and health. There are many words in that lesson.
Fortunately and against all odds there were seats available so that we changed our booking to the same day. Our destination was El Calafate in the South of Patagonia in order to see the glaciers.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of care   [ cared, cared ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of sorgen
sorge  sorgst  sorgt  sorgen  sorgt  sorgen  sorgte  sorgtest  sorgte  sorgten  sorgtet  sorgten