German Dictionary

Come in German

to come      kommen 

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
When the pirates came onboard the Kaitenmaru, a fight broke out.

Als die Piraten an Bord der Kaitenmaru kamen brach ein Kampf aus.
The kids came home cheery after school. Nach der Schule kamen die Kinder fröhlich nach Hause.
Two coots fluttered away when our boat came near them. Zwei Blässhühner flatterten davon, als unser Boot sich ihnen näherte.
to come round; come round; come around vorbeischauen; vorbeikommen
to convene; to come together sich versammeln; zusammenkommen
to come across; came; come zufällig finden/treffen
come back; return; regresar (2da) zurückkehren
to go wrong; to come to nothing fehlschlagen
to approach; to come towards entgegenkommen
come out of bekannt werden; hervorgehen aus
to come under pressure unter Druck geraten
to come up with ausdenken; (auf)bringen

Hamburg is a very beautiful city and i have a friend studying in that university. I hope you can enjoy your live and studying there. I have been teaching in a language school for a while. But in one month I am going to be in Hanover again.
If you have trouble in expressing something just write it down first. This site is very helpful to learn languages. I think it's very good to have conversations with other people. Take care.
Thank you for your answer, your English is better than my Spanish. I live in Liverpool in Great Britain, that is a town around 300 kilometers north of London. My wife and I have 4 children.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of come   [ came, come ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of kommen
[bin gekommen]
komme  kommst  kommt  kommen  kommt  kommen  kam  kamst  kam  kamen  kamt  kamen