German Dictionary

Translation of derive in German

to derive     ableiten

Translation by Vocabulix


(to) derive from ableiten von; herleiten aus; stammen von
derive from herleiten von; stammen von
derive (from) herleiten; erlangen
to derive from herleiten von
to derive ab/leiten
derive ableiten

It was really depressing, it seemed to be like being in the army where you are forced to get up in the middle of the night. Anyway, I do not like the winter in the city as much as I like it in the alps.
I just came back from Switzerland. Please give me a week to read the material you sent me. How was your time in Switzerland? Rani already asked me yesterday. Tell me when and where. I'll keep Tuesday free.
We spent the entire day walking around the city, looking for gifts for our friends and for family back at home. It was a nice and relaxing last day. In the late afternoon, we decided to buy shoes.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of derive   [ derived, derived ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of ableiten
leite ab  leitest ab  leitet ab  leiten ab  leitet ab  leiten ab  leitete ab  leitetest ab  leitete ab  leiteten ab  leitetet ab  leiteten ab