German Dictionary

Translation of driver in German

the driver      der Autofahrer 
the driver      der Fahrer 
the driver     der Fahrer; der Führer; der Treiber

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
He is an accident-prone driver.

Er ist ein zu Unfällen neigender Lenker.
The driver of the limo was wearing white gloves. Der Fahrer der Limousine trug weiße Handschuhe.
I am a very good driver but I won't be able to tell you anything about the gear shift, spark plug or clutch. Ich bin ein guter Autofahrer, ich kann Dir aber nichts über die Gangschaltung, Zündkerzen oder Kupplung erzählen.
ambulance driver Krankenwagenfahrer; Krankenwagenfahrerin
driving licence; driver's license Führerschein, 2
the driver(s) der Fahrer; die Fahrerin, Fahrerinnen
the ambulance driver der Krankenwagenfahrer
drive-drove- driven; driver fahren; Lenker
train driver; engineer LokführerIn,2
the ambulance driver der Sanitäter
the learner driver der Fahrschüler
racing driver Rennfahrer; Rennfahrerin

Next winter I'm going to Spain, where i hope to study Spanish. It's easy to visit Germany. Munich is a big city in Bayern...It's a nice city. Lot's of restaurants, nice buildings, a lake nearby and really friendly people.
Basically, I am here to learn Italian and French... some other languages as well, different cultures and meeting nice people. So far, I have made some friendships with Vocabulix, but I am always looking for more.
In Colorado there are amazing mountains, belonging to the Rocky Mountains and in New Mexico you have the really gorgeous desert areas. Some other states there have also large desert areas.
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