German Dictionary

Translation of hopefully in German

hopefully     hoffentlich

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Hopefully his acceptance of the problem can initiate a healthy recovery.

Hoffentlich kann seine Annahme des Problems einen gesunden Heilungsprozess einleiten.
hopefully; ojala hoffentlich
hopefully hoffentlich

Although it was only one thirty we had already seen a lot. The ones who tell you that you could stay there for a week and not see everything are actually right. The entire region is vast.
Our bus was completely full and we were the only Europeans on our tour. There were also Americans and people from South Korea. The driver took us to a place called Tam Coc. He drove like an idiot.
From there we flew on a day flight to Lima, Peru. We landed around 6 pm, it was already dark. From the airport we took a cab to our hotel (Hotel Carmel) in Miraflores, a beautiful, modern neighborhood.
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