German Dictionary

Translation of economize in German

to economize     einschränken

Translation by Vocabulix


to economize on sth sparen (für)
to economize bezuinigen; sparen
economize sparen

Let us speak in the beginning of next week and arrange the exact schedule. I should get the first answer tomorrow or on Thursday evening. And by the way: Happy Birthday to your little cute daughter.
I am happy that you are satisfied with your results! Of course I will come again. However, next time I would like to speak to each of the professors in advance to see what their need is.
I can highly recommend to visit there. After only three hours we had to leave and drive to the international airport. We ate lunch and boarded the aircraft which took us to Bangkok within three hours.
Most common translations: elimination    end-consumer    envy    evacuation    exoneration    eyry    fatherland    fever    firemen    floating   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of economize   [ economized, economized ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of einschränken
schränke ein  schränkst ein  schränkt ein  schränken ein  schränkt ein  schränken ein  schränkte ein  schränktest ein  schränkte ein  schränkten ein  schränktet ein  schränkten ein