German Dictionary

Translation of fewer in German

fewer     weniger

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Today, there were fewer people at the market than yesterday.

Heute waren weniger Leute auf dem Markt als gestern.
fewer weniger (zählbar)
fewer weniger

After next week, I will tutor the Mr. Zillmay from the language lab in Los Angeles, he is currently in the states. The lesson will take place in LA, but it may be held no earlier than mid-February.
Please give me a minute to work on it, I've currently three people talking to me at the same time over the support chat, plus two others in form of real people in my office! (Yes this still exists, real people...). Is that OK?
I guess California is really nice, right?? In any case, I live with my son away from our families. You can send me e-mails. I can recommend also lots of weblinks in order to learn German.
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