German Dictionary
English | German |
Sample sentences: Hans took his ax and chopped wood for the fire. |
Hans nahm seine Axt und hackte Holz für das Feuer. |
Do not spray on hot surfaces - fire hazard! | Nicht auf heiße Flächen sprühen - Feuergefahr! |
In this religious performance, the dancer impersonates the god of fire. | In diesem religiösen Spektakel verkörpert der Tänzer den Feuergott. |
dismiss; fire; make s.o.redundant | feuern; feuern; feuern |
to set light to; to set on fire | in Brand stecken |
the fire extinguisher | Der Feuerlöscher(1) |
to dismiss; to fire; to sack | entlassen; feuern |
fire-eater | feuerschlucker; Feuerschluckerin(1) |
to set fire to | anzünden; in Brand stecken |
burn; burnt burnt; to be on fire | verbrennen |
expiry of cease-fire | Ablauf der Feuerpause |
fire | Feuer; Kamin; Heizung(sgerät) |

I am trying to learn Spanish because Spanish is becoming more and more important in the USA because of immigrants. Especially here in Texas. I used to live in Nevada for many years. Boring place, gotta tell ya.
Due to jet lag (for us it was 10p.m.) we could not sleep, so we stayed at the airport until the morning where we had to take a flight around 8a.m. The destination was Siem Reap in Cambodia.
California, Oregon and Washington are the states on the west coast that have an ocean. We traveled all the way from San Diego to Seattle. Portland in Oregon is a really cool city too.
Due to jet lag (for us it was 10p.m.) we could not sleep, so we stayed at the airport until the morning where we had to take a flight around 8a.m. The destination was Siem Reap in Cambodia.
California, Oregon and Washington are the states on the west coast that have an ocean. We traveled all the way from San Diego to Seattle. Portland in Oregon is a really cool city too.
English Verbs | ||||
Conjugation of fire [ fired, fired ] | ||||
German Verbs | Present | Past | ||
Conjugation of entlassen [entlassen] |
entlasse entläßt entläßt entlassen entlaßt entlassen | entließ entließest entließ entließen entließt entließen | ||
Conjugation of schießen [geschossen] |
schieße schießt schießt schießen schießt schießen | schoss schossest schoss schossen schosst schossen |