German Dictionary
English | German |
Sample sentences: The writ was posted on the internet and read by millions of people. |
Der Erlass wurde im Internet veröffentlicht und von Millionen von Menschen gelesen. |
put together; surf the internet | zusammensetzen; im internet surfen |
surf the Internet(1) | im Internet surfen |
on the internet; on the web | im Internet |
surf the Internet | im internet surfen |
Internet trading | Handel im Internet |
on the internet | im Internet sein |

Friends, Family and similar relationships you are saying mostly "Du". Young people too. In the city, on the phone, school, at work and in the bank always say "Sie" for now.
Yes I think that's fine. I read your messages in German but i only understand them, answering in German is to difficult for me at the stage. Maybe after we practice for a while, I will be able to.
At noon we continued to the Altiplano to visit some lakes and volcanoes. At 4000 meter above see level it became suddenly extremely cold and our heads started to spin. Altitude sickness?
Yes I think that's fine. I read your messages in German but i only understand them, answering in German is to difficult for me at the stage. Maybe after we practice for a while, I will be able to.
At noon we continued to the Altiplano to visit some lakes and volcanoes. At 4000 meter above see level it became suddenly extremely cold and our heads started to spin. Altitude sickness?