German Dictionary
English | German |
Sample sentences: Only a man who meets adversity can become a hero. |
Nur wer Hindernissen begegnet kann ein Held werden. |
We do not cater to the masses - only to local health food stores. | Wir versorgen nicht die Massen sondern nur lokale Reformhäuser. |
Do you believe only challengers make progress? | Glaubst du, dass nur Herausforderer Fortschritt machen? |
goods (plural only) | Ware, Güter |
parent; (only one) | der Elternteil |
just, only | gerade, bloß, nur |
only | einzige; einziger; einziges |
the only child | das Einzelkind |
cattle (pl. only) | (Rind-)Vieh |
an only child | ein Einzelkind |
residents only | Anlieger frei |
a only child | ein Einzelkind |

I am Spanish Teacher. I graduated last year, in August. I studied mostly in Germany. I have been working for nine months as a teacher in many language schools but soon I will be a student again.
thanks for the compliment! Can you understand me when I write in English? Spanish sounds so beautiful when spoken. I would really like to be able to speak Spanish fluently, since I am planning a trip to Peru.
The same night we went to a great restaurant in town (near the main street). We met a very friendly couple in their fifties from Buenos Aires. They told us many interesting stories about Argentina.
thanks for the compliment! Can you understand me when I write in English? Spanish sounds so beautiful when spoken. I would really like to be able to speak Spanish fluently, since I am planning a trip to Peru.
The same night we went to a great restaurant in town (near the main street). We met a very friendly couple in their fifties from Buenos Aires. They told us many interesting stories about Argentina.