German Dictionary

Translation of picture in German

to picture     abbilden
the picture     das Abbild; das Bild; die Abbildung

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
I found pictures of me and Momo in Mariko's scrapbook.

Ich fand Bilder von mir und Momo in Marikos Fototagebuch.
Mary told me to take another picture from a different angle. Mary sagte, ich sollte noch ein Foto aus einem anderen Winkel machen.
The battery was empty, so I couldn't take any more pictures. Die Batterie war alle, und so konnte ich keine weiteren Bilder machen.
depict; picture schildern; verbildlichen(1)
picture dictionary Bildwörterbuch
get the picture? Haben sie verstanden?
to picture; to describe beschreiben
the picture frame der Bilderrahmen
the picture(s) Das Bild, Bilder
in this picture auf diesem Bild
picture gallery Bildergallerie
picture Bild; Aufnahme; Foto

Situated in the middle of Angkor Thom is the Bayon pyramid where the movie was filmed. We went inside and climbed up this huge and ancient structure. The pyramid displayed many faces carved into its stones.
Anyway, the entire bus ride lasted four hours and we finally arrived at the city of Halong. We were supposed to take a two day luxury boat tour on a ship called The Lagoon Explorer.
This moment by itself made the flight and its delay worth. Although we regarded Arequipa as a hub on the way to Chile, it turned out to be a very charming city.
Do you know the meaning of? price    reach    right    see    sincere    spaghetti    studio    tape    titanium    twilight   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of picture   [ pictured, pictured ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of abbilden
bilde ab  bildest ab  bildet ab  bilden ab  bildet ab  bilden ab  bildete ab  bildetest ab  bildete ab  bildeten ab  bildetet ab  bildeten ab