German Dictionary

Translation of remain in German

to remain     bleiben
to remain     verbleiben

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
She had refused his offer many times, but he remained adamant.

Sie hatte sein Angebot wiederholt abgelehnt, aber er blieb unerbittlich.
I tried to confront Mayumi, but she remained elusive. Ich versuchte, Mayumi zur Rede zu stellen, aber sie blieb ausweichend.
In the aftermath of the tsunami it was difficult to remain sane. Direkt nach der Tsunami war es schwierig, bei Verstand zu bleiben.
remain; to remain verbleiben; erhalten sein
remain bleiben; noch vorhanden sein
the remain das Überbleibsel
to remain stable stabil bleiben
to remain steady gleich bleiben
to remain (übrig) bleiben
(to) remain übrig bleiben
to remain übrig bleiben
to remain übrigbleiben

Do you need them as hard or soft copy? Donna, I forgot I can't on Wednesday... My family is coming for the weekend. Maybe we can do it one week later? I am kindly asking you to tell also Harry.
Sounds great. Sorry, it took me a while to get back to you. Did you book the Helmhaus (which Monica suggested) or the Seidenhof (which I gave her in the end)? Will make sure, they give you good rooms...
We checked in at the huge Hotelasia, close to the Sony center, a large shopping mall, where we planned another shopping spree in the coming two days. We had disgusting dinner at a boring pizza place.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of remain   [ remained, remained ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of bleiben
[bin geblieben]
bleibe  bleibst  bleibt  bleiben  bleibt  bleiben  blieb  bliebst  blieb  blieben  bliebt  blieben