German Dictionary

Translation of telephone in German

the telephone     das Telefon
the telephone     das Telephon

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The telephone was considered the most advanced communication system just a few years ago.

Noch vor wenigen Jahren war das Telefon das fortgeschrittenste Kommunikationssystem.
the telephone rings das Telefon läutet
telephone tapping Abhören der Telefone
answer the telephone abheben (das Telefon)
the telephone number die Telefonnummer
the telephone(s) das Telefon, Telefone
answer the telephone abheben (Telefon)
a telephone directory ein Telefonbuch
answer the telephone Telefon abheben
to telephone telefonieren, anrufen
to telephone for telefonieren nach
telephone number telefonnummer

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English Verbs    
Conjugation of telephone   [ telephoned, telephoned ]