Spanish Dictionary

Translation of girar

girar      to turn     
girar     to swivel    

Pronunciation of girar    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Siga adelante dos kilómetros y gire a la izquierda en la rotonda.

Go ahead two kilometers and turn left at the roundabout.
Siga derecho dos cuadras por esta calle y luego gire a la derecha. Go straight two blocks down this street and then turn right.
Los primeros automóviles tenían una manivela que había que girar para arrancar el motor. The first automobiles had a crank that had to be spun to start the engine.

Naturally, like everyone else, Italian think about themselves that they are the best. They think that Italy is a great nation and a great country, but these thoughts are never aggresive or political.
Wars and struggles are always or mostly based on ignorance, fears and disrespect of the enemies. Unfortunately, the kind of hate which roots in previous wars never stops. Let me be clearer, please.
We could not find a nice hotel so we just took whatever we found in the center of town. We were a little upset with the entire stress, so that we had left our bags in the cab when it drove away.
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Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of girar
giro  giras  gira  giramos  giráis  giran  giraba  girabas  giraba  girábamos  girabais  giraban  giré  giraste  giró  giramos  girasteis  giraron  giraré  girarás  girará  giraremos  giraréis  girarán 
English Verbs    
Conjugation of swivel   [ swiveled, swiveled ]
Conjugation of turn   [ turned, turned ]