Spanish Dictionary

Translation of huracán

el huracán     the hurricane    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Las víctimas del huracán Katrina pidieron la solidaridad de todo el país para superar su tragedia.

Hurricane Katrina victims asked for the solidarity of the whole country to overcome their tragedy.
El huracán derribó muchos árboles. The hurricane tore down many trees.

When I saw the small plane I did not feel all to good about flying back to Cancun. It had only twenty four seats and was driven by propeller, which made a lot of noise. Fortunately the weather was good.
The tour started soon and we first visited the ruins nearby, which was a ten minutes drive. A tour guide introduced us to each and every pyramid and told us stories about practically every stone.
As soon as I went to bed, incredibly loud music starting playing from right beneath my room. The music was so loud that I could not fall asleep despite my jet lag and despite being extremely tired.
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