Spanish Dictionary

Translation of impedir

impedir      to hinder     
impedir     to impede    ; to hinder    

Pronunciation of impedir    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Algunas personas querían linchar al pedófilo, pero la policía lo impidió.

Some people wanted to lynch the pedophile, but the police prevented it.
El viento helado nos impidió ir al parque como estaba previsto. The icy wind prevented us from going to the park as planned.
Me quedé atónito, y mi reacción tardía me impidió responderle como se merecía. I was flabbergasted, and my delayed reaction prevented me from answering him as he deserved.
impedir to prevent

The human is capable of recognition of the world with its ingredients. Frost presents us with a poem in which everything is white and bright. The picture he gives us seems to be very peaceful.
It is a thought that someone may have if he does not know anything about another group of individuals. He hears many stereotypes and blindly creates his own images in which he strongly believes.
It was fantastic to see that each ice berg had its own form and color. Unfortunately we could not reach all galciers, some were blocked by their own ice breaking off and floating in the lake.
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Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of impedir
impido  impides  impide  impedimos  impedís  impiden  impedía  impedías  impedía  impedíamos  impedíais  impedían  impedí  impediste  impidió  impedimos  impedisteis  impidieron  impediré  impedirás  impedirá  impediremos  impediréis  impedirán 
English Verbs    
Conjugation of hinder   [ hindered, hindered ]
Conjugation of impede   [ impeded, impeded ]