Spanish Dictionary

Translation of jirafa

la jirafa     the giraffe    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Este zoológico tiene muchos animales salvajes: leones, cebras, jirafas, monos, osos, etc.

This zoo has many wild animals: lions, zebras, giraffes, monkeys, bears, etc.
Las jirafas son altas y tienen el cuello largo. Giraffes are tall and have long necks.
jirafa giraffe

I understood that this was a real problem in this country and many foreigners came for sex tourism. Many bad stories had happened but my hosts were decent people. I could tell that right away.
I slept in the jungle lodge. Dinner was really nice as there was only one restaurant were everybody gathered. My newly acquired friends invited me to join them for dinner and we had a great time.
I connected to a group of people and we played some volleyball, had some drinks and they told me a little about the place and the country in general. I returned to the hostel and took a cold shower.
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