Spanish Dictionary

Translation of giraffe in Spanish

the giraffe     la jirafa    
the giraffe     la girafa    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Giraffes are tall and have long necks.

Las jirafas son altas y tienen el cuello largo.
This zoo has many wild animals: lions, zebras, giraffes, monkeys, bears, etc. Este zoológico tiene muchos animales salvajes: leones, cebras, jirafas, monos, osos, etc.
giraffe jirafa

That's cool if we can arrange like this. I went to Europe last year, and I went to Germany as well, I loved it! What city are you from? I speak a little bit German but not very well (as you may see).
It was very amusing and were authentic. We approached the top of the hill and saw the temple for the first time. Actually one could not see the temple, just the people standing on it.
This moment by itself made the flight and its delay worth. Although we regarded Arequipa as a hub on the way to Chile, it turned out to be a very charming city.
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