Spanish Dictionary
Spanish | English |
Sample sentences: Mis recuerdos de infancia se están desdibujando. |
My childhood memories are blurring. |
Llamé a un cerrajero para poder entrar en mi casa porque perdí mis llaves. | I called a locksmith to be able to enter my house because I lost my keys. |
Tengo una caries en una de mis muelas de atrás. | I have a cavity in one of my back molars. |
pobre de mí | woe is me |
mí mismo | myself |

I do not know what to write about Belgium, so that I will write about Greece because my mother is from Athens and i have a lot of cousins there and a lot of other relatives. That is right.
My experience at Vocabulix has been great. I really think that this site has helped me a lot in improving my Spanish language skills. I believe that I could learn here several other languages.
A small boat took us to the Kayak hiring station. We took three Kayaks in total, one for the guide, one for the couple from the US and one for us. We started rowing to a hidden Bay away from the crowds.
My experience at Vocabulix has been great. I really think that this site has helped me a lot in improving my Spanish language skills. I believe that I could learn here several other languages.
A small boat took us to the Kayak hiring station. We took three Kayaks in total, one for the guide, one for the couple from the US and one for us. We started rowing to a hidden Bay away from the crowds.