Spanish Dictionary

Translation of narrar

narrar     to narrate    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Él narró su odisea durante la guerra, cuando fue capturado por los soldados enemigos.

He narrated his odyssey during the war, when he was captured by enemy soldiers.

It seems a little bit like a pot in which you want to be happy and rich and enjoy your luck not caring about others. For example, the population is diminishing (or it was so during the last decade).
One could see in every touristic site and traveler's office advertisement for language schools and private teachers. The teachers usually gave the CV with an nice picture of themselves. It looked funny.
That is great. Thank you for the support (and for the compliment). Recommendations by universities are always very appreciated, as universities are usually more selective about external resources.
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Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of narrar
narro  narras  narra  narramos  narráis  narran  narraba  narrabas  narraba  narrábamos  narrabais  narraban  narré  narraste  narró  narramos  narrasteis  narraron  narraré  narrarás  narrará  narraremos  narraréis  narrarán 
English Verbs    
Conjugation of narrate   [ narrated, narrated ]