Spanish Dictionary

Translation of preceder

preceder     to precede    
preceder     to forego    

Pronunciation of preceder    

Translation by Vocabulix


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The trip included a lot of walking and the guide told us the history of this region, of the Chiapas state and also how it evolved in the context of the entire Mexican country. Very interesting!!!
If I could get that far in Galaga, and handle enemy starships, I was sure that I could handle hurricane Ivan. I decided to continue to Mexico after having two dry airport muffins for breakfast.
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Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of preceder
precedo  precedes  precede  precedemos  precedéis  preceden  precedía  precedías  precedía  precedíamos  precedíais  precedían  precedí  precediste  precedió  precedimos  precedisteis  precedieron  precederé  precederás  precederá  precederemos  precederéis  precederán 
English Verbs    
Conjugation of forego   [ forewent, foregone ]
Conjugation of precede   [ preceded, preceded ]