Spanish Dictionary

Translation of préstamo

el préstamo     the loan    

Pronunciation of préstamo    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Estuvieron de acuerdo en que necesitaban un préstamo.

They concurred that they needed a loan.
Recibieron un préstamo del banco para la adquisición de su casa. They have received a loan from the bank for the acquisition of their house.

The casa cost me around twenty dollars and the woman wanted extra five dollars for food and cooking. Money was an issue in this country because no one had any. It is a very poor nation with great people.
But we need to asked ourselves why we actually are built in such a way that we so easily dislike others and build stereotypes. What leads to such behavior even in well educated individuals?
Anyway, on our last day in Sapa, we hired a taxi driver, payed him twenty dollars and asked him to drive us around for a few hours. We had the Tram Ton pass in mind which separated two climate regions.
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