Spanish Dictionary

Translation of sádico

sádico     sadistic    
el sádico     the sadist    

Pronunciation of sádico    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Esta es una historia acerca de un sádico y su víctima.

This is a story about a sadist and his victim.

His name was Leo and he would become a good friend of mine during the next two weeks. He had a lovely girlfriend where he stayed during my visit. Basically, I slept in his place when he was away.
I would not put the box on the front page, you have it in the menu. But, if you want to have links from within your main page, put regular links within the introduction text, directly to the Spanish page.
We returned before dusk, as we were afraid of not finding our ship in the dark. Once on the ship we decided to go for night swimming again in the open ocean. A few women on little boats approached us.
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